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Serrell Christmas 2000

Christmas Eve and Christmas Day was full of warm memories for our family. Here is a collection of those memories

Twas The Night Before Christmas and all Through The House.....Not a Child Wasn't EXCITED!!

Eyes all lit with anticipation and wonder

They are too squirmy to even sit for the camera!

They tried to sit a little bit

I may be little...but I know something is up!

It was hard for those eyes to close for the night...Brandon truly wanted to set a trap for Santa...but eventually the house settled down for the night...and what suprises they woke to!

Kristina made Brandon's whole day with the scooter! A bright blue shiny one!

Deanna's first true baby doll! It was love at first sight.

Can you help me open this?

I really think I could like this Christmas stuff!

You say this is only once a year?

I will be the Frogger KING!

Wow I like that!

Have to play with the toys right away

Jordan already picking out toys for next Christmas

The children proudly give Daddy the presents they made him

Wow! We took a lot of pics so we better go to another page!